Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cell Phone CPR...or is it R&R?

So, about 2 weeks ago I had a pretty bad cold so I decided a nice, hot, relaxing bath was definitely in order. Why oh why do I incorporate texting on my cell phone to relaxing in a tub, I have no idea! But as the cell phone addict that I may have become, this was my situation. And as careful as I thought I was being, yes you guessed it, I dropped it in the tub. That brief "oh no!", followed by plop. And all I could see were dollar signs as I imagined what this was going to cost me. Not to mention being completely cut off from the world!! Oh the horror!

Then I remembered a friend of mine once telling me that all you have to do when you get your cell phone wet is to put it in some dry rice. The idea being that the rice would absorb the moisture sinking deep into the crevices of the phone. I decided that it was worth a shot, what did I have to lose at this point, except a bag of rice?? Sam reminded me to take the battery out too. So, there it laid, dismantled & buried in a Ziploc bag of rice overnight. When I eagerly opened it the next morning, it actually worked! I couldn't believe it! The night before all it did was sputter & die out! To my dismay, however, within a few minutes, it died again. The rice didn't work. Bummer.

Then I got the scam artist at the Sprint store tap dancing all over me about limited coverage, renewing plans, upgrading phones, rebates that I've accumulated since the 5th grade...everything to aggravate me & make me walk out in dead cell phone laying limply in my pocket. Norm was then going to buy me a used phone off of Craig's list and round & round we went. For 4 days we discussed the best option. It occurred to me that what if they can't even get my phone numbers out of the phone??!! The horror!!! I can't even IMAGINE having to attempt retrieving all those numbers! (I don't have that many actually, but fear over dramatizes everything!) As I went to see if my phone would even turn on long enough to pull out my oh-so important numbers, I realized that my phone was actually working! It really was working!! And its worked ever since!! Crazy, isn't it???

Moral of the story....sometimes we just need a cozy place to sleep for the night & a few days off. Then we'll be as good as new!!

Try it for yourself sometime..... :)

1 comment:

Deidra said...

Well it was important that you texted that night because it was me that you were talking to. And how very appropriate that it was me considering that it was very Deidra like in the fact that you dropped your phone. Love you friend. Glad your phone is working again.