Thursday, July 24, 2008

"9 to 5 & Rush Hour Traffic"

Okay, I finally did it. I bit the bullet, joined the work force full time. Yes I am officially a "9 to 5-ver - rush hour traffic driving - rat race participator"! I'd love to tell you that I have this wonderfully fulfilling job that makes me feel all warm & fuzzy & full of purpose. Well...that's not exactly right. What I do have is stability. And in my life in recent months, this is not such a bad thing. I have a steady paycheck, with good pay, health benefits, paid time off. And to be perfectly honest, I only have to deal with traffic for about 2 miles, because that's how close the office is to home. Not a bad deal. All I have to do in return is chain myself to my desk from 8:30 to 4:30 (okay, its not actually "9 to 5", but it just sounds better), and work, work, work! I've notice that the people around me don't do a lot of socializing. I guess that's good for productivity. But it certainly makes me miss some of prior jobs where socializing was not frivolous...its how we did our jobs! Oh use crying over spilt milk...or tiny cubicles.

For those of you who don't know, I have taken a job once again in a law firm. I actually went to school for this way back "in the day". I had worked in various firms in Syracuse & Buffalo when I was first married & part time for many years after kids came along. Its perfect for someone who's organized & detail oriented. Yeah that's me. But I'm also a people person, which really helped me in my prior jobs. Not so much this one. But, hey, you never know. I work with alot of young people (so what else is new?) and I'm hoping that God will use me in some way besides just collecting a paycheck. Like I know He knows we need the money. And He knows we need the health insurance. But I also know that He wastes nothing. I also know that while He will bless me with a job to secure my family, He always has plans that are greater. I pray that I will bring Him glory through all I do and that even in a place where hundreds (yes hundreds) of people sit working behind office doors or sequestered in cubicles, I can help bring some light.

After only a week's time, I'm starting to get the hang of my new position. Its fairly intense, let me tell you. But I can handle it. Its a fairly intense place. All the more need for Christ. While I won't be walking around preaching or reading my bible to people, I know that His love can shine through matter where He places me. And yeah, those Lego people are pretty accurate...

I would so covet your prayers as I begin this endeavor. Its hard work, and hard to be away from my daughter every day, all day, right before she leaves for school. It was a tough choice to make. And while I have always worked in some capacity, I've tried really hard to keep my children as a priority, right into their teen years. But right now, my family needs my help financially more than anything else. And we'll just see what the law firm really needs from me. God only knows....

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Crazy June!! Wouldn't trade a moment...

I haven't posted in so long because basically the sheer volume of activity in my life recently simply hasn't allowed it! We knew the events of June 2008 were going to take over our lives for months now. It didn't fail to deliver. We started with my nephew's graduation party in Michigan, that was such a blast & so fun to bless on this amazing young man. Someday maybe I'll post just about him, he's pretty special.

Two weeks later we had my daughter's graduation party here at the house. With there still being no job (or a solid one at least) in sight for Norm, we did all we could to make it as simple as possible and yet bless on our girl. And thank You Lord for such wonderful friends who gave us help. We wanted to make the day special & love on my daughter, celebrating her great accomplishments not just over these last 4 years, but 12 to be sure. She is amazing & smart & headed off to college in 1 1/2 months (that will be yet another blog!). So, we celebrated her in style, simple yet oh so much fun!

The very next day, we gathered again to celebrate my parents 50th wedding anniversary. This was so much fun, with family in from all over the country to pay tribute to this amazing couple. (If you're a Facebook participator, there are many pics of all these events there should you care to take a peek!).

Last week was prom and then 2 days later we lined ourselves in front of Williamsville South High School & watched our little girl/young woman walk across the steps & receive her diploma. It's an event that will forever be etched in my memory, much like her first day of kindergarten. It has been an extreme privilege & joy raising this amazing young woman. To be present at this precipice in her life was something I will carry with me always. She views the road ahead with such anticipation & excitement that it truly is hard to think of my own inner turmoil of letting her go. She is ready for this next stage of life, ready to meet the challenges head, ready to discover who she really is & what she's made of. Likely qualities I've seen in her all along.

Every element of this entry could be its own blog, and maybe when the weather once again turns cold & she is off living in a crowded dorm room, I will take the time to reflect & share what these events have really meant to me, to us....but for now....I will enjoy the time I have with her at home. I love you Sam....

I am also going to enjoy spending these next few days with my "boy" as we are preparing to say good-bye, again, to him as he heads back to Florida on Wed. morning. He has been home with us for 1 1/2 months now and I have loved every minute of it. Knowing that the goal is to raise our children into adults who can care for themselves and succeed in the world without us, means we have to let go & let them live their own lives. Its hard, yet rewarding to know that while this is his home...that is where is life is. I love you Alex....

Being "mom" to these two amazing young adults has been the best job I could ever have. Its also been the hardest thing I've ever had the privilege to do. Thank you Lord for bringing them into my life & entrusting me with them. The future belongs to them...they belong to You.