Thursday, January 20, 2011

Life Marches On...

January, 2011. Hard to believe. Also hard to believe I haven't sat & put thoughts down here since May! A new year. Once again. What will we make of it? What lies ahead? What changes do we want to make? What changes will be made for us?

These types of questions always plague me as a new year rolls around. I'm sure I'm not alone. I'm not necessarily talking about "resolutions", although those are pretty popular this time of year. All you need do is walk into your local gym to see that's true. I'm talking about anticipation. Some will be good. Some, possibly, not so good. We can make choices for our lives, but how much is not really in our control? It's a time to take stock, to reassess, to evaluate. A time to make decisions about our future. Or at least the next few months. Norm & I have been looking for a house. We're really excited about this & have approached it with a sense of adventure. But as the months have rolled by with no luck in finding the "right place", our excitement is slowly being replaced with discouragement. We made a decision about our future, but circumstances have not complied! And Don't get me wrong, we're not hanging our heads, by no means. We are pushing forward, making our plans. But I have to wonder how much of it is really in our hands? We like to think we can plan our future, decide where we'll live, work, how many kids we'll have, etc. But how much is really in our control?

Our kids were home for the holidays & it was a wonderful time! So fabulous to have us all under the same roof for a time again! We had family in town & got closer to extended family as my son's girlfriend & family spent time with us as well. It was impossible to imagine a time like this when they were children. In that time, its hard to fathom things like children living away from you, moving to different parts of the country, going to college, graduating from college, having girlfriends/boyfriends who are potential spouses! No matter what stage of life we find ourselves in, its hard to not feel like "it will always be this way". Reality is, life marches on. It grows, it changes, it adds & detracts from our circle. It brings joy, it brings pain. It brings successes, it brings failures. It brings gain, it brings loss. Who can really know what is around the corner?

It's in understanding that, that I must come to faith. I must wholeheartedly believe that the God of this universe, my Abba Father, has my life in His hands. No matter what life brings, no matter where I find myself, I am His. He gives me all I need to live this life. He provides my intellect, my strength, my ability to work, to find joy. If I'm smart, I'll remember to also ask Him for wisdom in order to handle the things that life brings my way. Most importantly though, He gives me love. Because He IS love and I am HIS, I therefore have His love in me. He gives me the ability to love all those around me. Because He first loved me. (1 John 4:19) It's truly believing that He loves me & walks with me at all times, during the good, the bad & the ugly, that my faith allows me to move forward each & every day.

And let us not forget to celebrate this life that we have been given! It is a gift! It will be short, so enjoy the moments, put pettiness aside, don't waste time. Laugh often, love always. Because life marches on...