It's amazing to me that I haven't taken "key in hand" to update this blog in over a year! Guess its been a heck of a year... During that time, I went from losing my dream job of working with youth/college students, to a series of part time jobs - including house cleaning & home organization projects. After that, I took the wrong job for the right reason, working in a law firm that paid well, had great benefits & was something my family needed at the time since my husband was unemployed. While I loved the people that I worked with, I honestly don't think there was one day that I actually enjoyed being there. I'm sure in today's economy, many people are working jobs they need over jobs they love. In other words, you do what you have to do for your family. I remember praying every day on my way to work that God would allow me to do my job with excellence, with a spirit of joy & with a grateful heart. I also prayed that He would show me His ultimate purpose for placing me in a place where I not only did not enjoy the job I did, but was opposed to the very core of the law they practiced. Not a great motivator to get out of bed each morning. I would pray that God would let me know when it was time to move on & that He would provide what would come next. And after a year of loving on the people I worked with & doing my very best to be a blessing in a tough place, He brought along another wonderful & unexpected opportunity.
That was 6 months ago. I have been happily working for friends of mine & I still pray every day on my way to work. Only now not to get me through the day, but to continue to be a blessing to those I work for & do my job with excellence. I pray that each day I accomplish this. That would be a successful job in my estimation!
One of the most beautiful things about this new job is the amazing people I work for. They are kind, hard working, fun to be around, men of integrity & treat me very well. They understand that no matter how dedicated I am to my job, my first priority will always be my family. Being good Christian men, they get this. I was allowed much flexibility in my work schedule in order to spend time with my son & daughter while they were home for Christmas. We packed alot into a short time & I'm so grateful to God that I was afforded the time to do it. And they didn't release me to my family grudgingly, making me feel guilt-ridden. They lavished the spirit of Christmas on me AND my family, and graciously encouraged us to go spend time together. I am grateful or these men that God h
as seen fit to place me with. I am grateful to God.
Up top is a dorky photo of me & my family as we hunted for the perfect Christmas tree. Yeah, we know we're dorky... But oh so much fun to be together! The other picture is of my son & his girlfriend Jen, another gift God has brought into our family & we love her. I am grateful to God for my family. I am grateful to God. All in all, I faced my Christmas this year with a spirit of anticipation, of joy, of peace.
I pray yours was the same... <3
Merry Christmas (slightly late) & may God richly bless your 2010!!!