Monday, July 9, 2007

Fresh Approach...

So, here's another way to approach "church". This Pastor, Dan Smith, uses rap music (more specifically, reworked rap music) to reach the unchurched. Maybe you've seen one of his videos "Baby Got Book", its hilarious! Its a parody on the rap song "Baby Got Back". If you haven't seen it, check out a recent article I found on Yahoo News - you'll find the video included. Don't be offended!

Smith says this about the church he runs in a local movie theatre in Cleveland, "We're not trying to reach other Christians. If you love your church, stay at your church. That's awesome. But for people who haven't gone in ten years — or all of their lives — I think there's a lot of people who might need to hear the message of 'maybe this might be the church that I can go to. The same church, Smith says, that welcomes people who cuss, watch R-rated movies and smell like cigarettes; the church where "Baby Got Book" is always in rotation and whose services are available by Podcast if you just happen to sleep in some Sunday.'" Now, I'm not saying that this would be the church for me necessarily, but I do appreciate people who are trying to examine what church really means and how they can best reach God's children. I also appreciate a fresh approach. If its making people laugh, having church in a movie theatre, creating Christian music videos, then so be it. I don't believe there's any one right way to worship God. I have read a few blogs recently about what true Christianity is. It isn't necessarily easy to define. Sometimes I think its as individual & personal as our relationships with Him are. It's not HOW we worship, just that we worship. Its not WHERE we choose to connect with Him, its that we do. Its not a style, but more importantly its finding ourselves being followers of Christ, or more to the point, Christ "imitators". I really want to find a place again that I can call my church home. I want to be surrounded by a church family again. I know He will lead me there, eventually. But, truthfully, that isn't what defines me as a Christian. How I live my life on a daily basis, how I strive to be more & more Christlike, how I put others ahead of myself, how I love...that's what makes me a true Christian. I'm not always fond of the word "Christian" either. Its a muddy, discriminatory, even derogatory term these days. It can suggest anything from weekend attender to "bull horn man". I prefer the term "Christ-follower". The implication is not a label as much as a way of life. It implies action. I don't want a label on my chest pronouncing "CHRISTIAN" like some well-worn badge. I'd prefer that my actions would speak for themselves. That how I choose to live my life shows that I am a follower of Christ. Its a daily choice, not to mention a daily struggle. Not an easy target to hit & I often miss the mark (by alot!). But its in the striving, and knowing that He knows my heart; it's in the knowledge that I am His dearly loved child, even when I don't get it exactly right.

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