Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Don't Blink....

When my son Alex was a little boy, one of his favorite things to do was play Batman. I had made the investment at one point in an actual Batman costume, complete with superhero cape, and he literally wore it out. Since the cape did not last long, he began using anything as a cape (or a "cate", as he would say) - towels, small blankets, etc., tied or pinned around his neck Even at his grandparents house, he'd ask grandma, "Can you make me a cate?" I think he realized that a true superhero should really never be out of uniform. This picture is of our little friend Elijah. For his 3rd birthday, my family bought him a real Batman costume complete with, you guessed it, superhero cape. If you know Elijah, you know he loves to play dress up & he loves any kind of superhero. He also loves Alex (and vice versa). Since my son was not little in the digital photo era, I don't have a picture of him in costume, but I think Elijah represents himself, Alex & all superhero's well! Elijah's 3rd birthday was 2 weeks ago. I got to thinking that it feels like Alex's 3rd birthday was 3 weeks ago! The truth is, my little superhero will be celebrating his "20th" birthday this coming September. He will also be moving to Florida in July to finish his education. How can this be? When did all that growing up happen? Wasn't he just 3? Didn't he just run through my house with a "cate" flapping behind him? Didn't he just pitch in his first real baseball game or sing in his first school play? Didn't he just start kindergarten? Or middle school? Or even high school?? I stand in amazement at the warp speed that my son has grown. From a tiny, completely dependent little guy, to a fully independent, thoughtful, sweet young man....all in the blink of an eye. He gave us much joy over the years, so many sweet memories. As I watch him prepare to go, I am filled with pride for the young man he has grown to be. I'm also filled with excitement, as he embarks on this new journey in his life. Yes, there's sadness as well, but it is far outweighed by the knowledge that we have raised a confident, loving, compassionate, funny, godly young man, who will always be my "superhero".

1 comment:

Deidra said...

Ok so I definatly cried at that post. We love you Alex. You are our superhero too. Good luck in Florida soak up some sun for us after you do your homework that is.
Love Dee