Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Looking Back...

I know, I know... Time to move on, time to look forward, no backwards glances, no living in the past. But hold on... I need to I take a breath. Can I take just a moment in time to look back & appreciate where I've been? The job I just left was without a doubt the best I've ever had. It was full of amazing people, crazy adventures, hard work. I have had the privilege to serve God as I served His children...whether they were teenagers, college students or young adults. I learned much, laughed often...cried some. While I loved it all, it was not without its challenges. I was always surrounded by younger people & had to continually learn (or at least try) to adapt to a different generation's way of thinking. I have often been stretched well beyond my comfort zone! And while I always thought working in a church would be the "ideal" job, I found that working where you worship is far more challenging than I could have ever imagined. Like any business, its run by people & people are never going to be perfect - including myself. But despite the insanity of the past few weeks, I would not trade this experience for the world. It was a gift from God & I pray I represented Him well. And if I've made even a fraction of a difference in others' lives as was made in mine, then it was all worth it. So, I look back, just for a moment... With tears, a smile & a heavy sigh, I will then look forward. I will trust God with what's ahead. After all, He is my past, my present & my future. And thank you to all of you who've been a part of my journey. I love you all. Cheers!


Deidra said...

You are awesome my friend. I know that you have touched many lives, including mine. I am thankful that God put this beautiful blonde in my life many years ago that was to good for me to hang out with:) because she became my very best friend. I love you.

Matt Carson said...

you certainly put a lot into epic and i'm sure you got a lot out of it too. it's like the classic Beatles line: "in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make". sing it brother!

be still. know he is god.

sam said...

mom, you are strong. and i know this is hard for you. so lets be bffs again cause im always here when you need me. sorry for making things harder. but i love you. no more fights i promise.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.