Thursday, July 5, 2007

Family, Fireworks & Foul Weather...

Despite the lousy weather on the 4th, we managed to have some fun with family. The weather even cleared so we could check out some fireworks. I just love this odd tradition! Looking around at my fellow revelers, it occurred to me that we've gladly immersed ourselves in the crazy American culture. It is what it is....and it's only once a year...

These are just some shots from the day. Hope yours rocked too!

Hey...we did our best....

Dad & Jeff grilling in the rain. How sad...

Sam & Jesse escaping the rain - watching TV

Grandma & Grandpa with the grand kids - Sam, Alex, Adam, Jesse & Sophia

Me & my "big brother" him!!

First cousins...Sam & Sophia!

Grandpa & his "little pupka"....Sophia!

My "baby sister" Amy & her husband Jeff.

Dave & his lovely wife Barb

Me & my beautiful sister Amy. Yes...I'm older...

Me & my Mom...she's the sweetest woman on earth!

Me & "Stormin"....cute, huh??

Hope you had fun, wherever you are
& whatever you did.
And I hope that you were as blessed with great
people to celebrate with as I was!
Even if the hot dogs got wet....


Alicia Stuart said...

Hey Sandy!!

I am so glad you had a good 4th of July. It looks like you got to see a lot of your family!! My day turned out great too. All day as it rained I kept praying that the rain would stop so I could see fireworks - I just love fireworks. They are one of my most favorite things :) I guess thats part of my inner child remaining. Even as it got later and later I still hoped that the rain would stop - and it did, just in time!! A bunch of us went to UB to watch the fireworks there and they were the best ones I've ever seen. They were choreographed so well and were just amazing. I have to say that sitting there on my blanket surrounded by my dear friends and watching the fireworks, I felt so very loved by God. I felt like he stopped the rain and put on the fireworks just for me. It was a really awesome moment :)

I am so glad you had a good day. I miss you and I'll talk to you soon!!

Love you,

Matt Carson said...

this blog seems very familiar... wait, wasn't this on leno last night? sandy queen, seriously, this obsession has got to stop!

haha hey it's nice to see some pics of the fam! i've heard so much about them, thanks for the post. glad you had a good 4th!

Matt Carson said...

it's all clear now:

Buffalo News Article