Saturday, December 15, 2007

Safe & Sound & on the Ground....

Thanks to US Airways, a helpful airport clerk, a change in flight and a storm that won't come for another day, my son has made his way safely home to us. It was a great relief to see his face walking through the exit towards us, I can tell you that! We had been praying for him all day, knowing the crazy weather around the country & the great possibility of delays. Then there's this giant snow storm that allegedly is headed our way and knowing that any significant delays at that point could put him sleeping in some airport for a few days instead of in his own warm bed. So, my absolute heart-felt & humble thanks to my Lord for answering our prayers! His faithfulness to my ever needy family leaves me with a heart full of gratitude, awe & love. Thanks also to all of you who were praying yesterday! May your loved ones travel to you, or you to them, safely & soundly this Christmas. And if this storm is as bad as they are predicting & not just another weather man's over-excitability, then grab some blankets and movies, make a pot of soup and enjoy some down time with those you love. Now that my son is home....let it snow!!


sarita said...

SANDY! nooo! don't let it snow yet... I'm still not home!!! let it wait till FRIDAAAY! :)

misss you.

Matt Carson said...

i was wondering when alex was coming in! glad to hear he's back, hope you enjoy the next month of having him home!

i remember those winter breaks in college... i don't think i've ever slept as much as i did then. those were the days!

and i agree with sarah... hold off the snow until christmas day!