Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Your Prayers Needed...

To anyone reading this, I am asking you for your prayers for my family. My husband found out a couple of days ago that as of January 1st, he will no longer have a job. Merry Christmas, huh?? While the timing really stinks, I can't say that we were completely taken by surprised. He was told a while ago that the company he works for was looking around the country to see which territories were small enough to merge with larger ones, thereby cutting their costs. It never happened back when we first got wind of it. But Buffalo is one of those smaller territories and therefore now is being eliminated, along with 3 other territories around the country. While I understand a company's need to save some money, I struggle with their dropping that little bomb during the holiday season. And don't you just hate it when really great people lose their jobs due to "financial constraints"? Seems disturbingly familiar somehow. Needless to say, we're being very careful in our spending, as we have no idea how long his unemployment may last. One good thing to mention is that he has a job interview tomorrow (Thursday) with a competitor of the company that just let him go. Hmmm....poetic justice?? Perhaps... Time will tell.

In the meantime, once again we find ourselves in a place of uncertainty. We are attempting with all we have to be optimistic and not let anxiety rule our every thought and conversation. As most of you know, we have been here before & not all that long ago. Norm explains that that's how it goes in sales jobs sometimes, good money can be made, but often job security is hard to come by. So to all my wonderful friends & family I ask for your prayers & to also keep him in mind if you know of any jobs out there. (Jobs that he might actually be interested in and qualified for please!)

We are blessed already in so many ways this Christmas, I know that God's hand is on us. This just hits hard at a very tough time. Please pray... Thank you... And as always....I'll keep you posted.

Love you all...


sarita said...

I love your you said that you know God's hand is on you... and He is!
We'll have to get together sometime this Christmas and talk... in the meanwhile, I'll be praying for you.

sarita said...

I love your you said that you know God's hand is on you... and He is!
We'll have to get together sometime this Christmas and talk... in the meanwhile, I'll be praying for you.

Sandy said...

It was worth saying twice.... ;)

lynne said...

I love your blog! Had'nt checked in-in a while but I wish you & your husband all the best. I know he will find a better job. Have faith(which you do)
Love, Lynne

meredith said...

We will absolutely be praying for you guys. We love you, and if you need anything please let us know. I do some pretty alright hair cuts, Erik well...he can maybe make you laugh or something...whatever you guys need. We love you.

Matt Carson said...

sandy, my heart hurts for you... so sorry to hear this. i'll be praying diligently for you and your family.

2007 has been an interesting year huh? i feel god moving in your lives, and hopefully the end of the tunnel is right around the corner.

i think i've told you before, but losing my job several years ago was one of the biggest blessings i've ever had. it really changed things around for me, it just took some time.

please come on sunday, i owe you a really big hug....

Alicia Stuart said...

Sandy.. I am so sorry to hear this. I don't even know what to say. I will be praying for you and for Norm's interview. If I can help you in any way, or if you want to talk and have some tea... you know where I live :)

I love you guys!!

Griffen said...

Sandy, I'm praying RIGHT now, and I'm so sorry you guys have to worry about this over the Christmas season. I'm praying that something absolutely PERFECT for you and Norm comes out of what makes no sense. Does that make sense?

I'm peeking in, finally, after a long time offline, and then catching up. Just wanted you guys to know we love you, are praying, and I hope Christmas was great despite it all (will be looking for pics, and then of the great news of answered prayer!!) Remembering spending new years with you guys LAST year... seems like yesterday. Miss you much! -Sandy

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!